Wednesday, March 26, 2003

so here i am...

I'm not EVEN going to look and see how long it's been since I've posted something on this thinger-majiger. It's not like I haven't tried... i really have. But anymore... it's just another big BLANK WHITE SCREEN with a cursor screaming at me to write something profound, desribe what i want out of future, what i think success is, whether or not we should have national insurance.......and so on and so on and so on.. . i never thought i'd say it - i'm sooooo tired of writing.

All that cursor means is another stupid paper that means nothing... do i care whether or not we should have national health insurance -- not really... but i'm sure going to try and write a 8 page research paper about it - why not?

mario was right when he said you should never write for an audience...

It used to be so easy for me just to blow up in here... my mind just overflowed with all these ideas... but anymore - it seems like all that stuff is buried, and i think im about to go INSANE!

................because i NEED this....

i miss you blog... :( :( :(