Whelp...I'm updating the blog...as if you can't already tell that! heh. I've attempted the past two night to do this, but my dogs were driving me crazy - likely excuse i know. Actually, i didn't have any flowing thoughts -i did- they just didn't make any sense.
I hate when i have nothing on my mind to write in this thing... i can have a million ideas float in and out of my mind throughout the school day, but when i plop down in front of this computer screen, they decide to cease to flow - bah! I have to try and coax them out with thought provoking songs...and.....then......oh, is it true - i feel them coming, yeeeeeeeeaahhhhh........
Clayton told me i was getting too 'feminine' on him -hah, clayton, what a character. I've acquired brashness this year, which i suppose would make me appear more "manly"...hah...It's just one of the things that has shifted over this past year. It's been a good year...i'm not as naive as i used to be, and i managed to loose naivete and maintain innocence at the same -yeah, i know -quite a talent :) . I've definetly grown up, which i don't like to think about for too long. Maybe that's why i like to be around clayton so much - he brings out the fun, little kid in me. hah, when i hang out with him, thing like the ACT's, AP English, and U of I don't over come everything in my mind. yeay for clay! i suppose that's what good friends are for...
These two little girls, one little - one rather large, keep making laps around my block....no, you think i'm talking about today, like within the hour- nope, this has been going on for weeks now! They're either on foot or bike....but their going....around in a giant square. I remember when i use to do that on my bike...and you know, it wasn't the least bit boring -i could probably have done it for hours- i DID do it for hours. I'd rather be a little kid. Me and mario kinda talked about the other night....imaginary friends. They're so cool....and when you're little - you believe it no matter what- kids don't question where their creature came from, or why it breathes ice and not fire - it's just there...there's no reason to disprove prove it -so why try to prove it? Nope, not us 'mature' adults....we can't allow ourselves to believe in something that can't be proven by a scientific equation or by a written law. Even Jesus said his followers should have "faith like a child"....believing without seeing. Yeay for kids. Wouldn't we all be a little better off if we could each have our own imaginary world to escape to when we are needing a get a way??
...........where everyone knows your name..............................
well, an imaginary get-a-way or Cheers....wherever :)
Did i mention how much i love people? thought i should throw that in there...even the stupid ones. Me and my dad share this weird fascination in just watching people....like in a busy place- anywhere....just sitting down and watching people. (everyone thinks i'm weird now, but hang in there) - I guess i'm just fascinated that their are so many lives out there....sure they eat and drink and junk - but lives as in failed love, tragedy, drama, joy, love success, first kisses - there are soooo many stories -and each one is unique with a different twist on it. It's kind of like that big huge overwhelming feeling you get when the sun hits the moon just right and you can see it's dimensions - you know those times when you realize you're not the only person in the world, and that's okay. ....so when i get this urge to sit and watch people i fall into this deep thought...and sometimes i just wish i could capture ever story of a particular persons life.....see a person with wedding ring, how'd you fall in love?....see a person with burn marks, how'd that happen?....see a person with a baby, how bad does it actually hurt to give birth?. A billion people in this world with a billion stories...just dying to be told, i bet...
*sigh* - i guess i'm really not the only person in the world...